After a few years of efforts, the sugestion presented by K. Bakó (Hungary), M. Horaček (The Czech Republic) and J.S. Suchy (Poland) to rise the standing of the relations of WFO with the Central European agreement of foundry associations, called MEGI (Mitteleuropäische Giessereiinitiative) was fully accepced. No long time ago, in March 2005 we had as a quest in Krakow the management of eight associations consulting this agreement. We take many actions together and we get on particulary well. For many years this agreement has been an informal club of associations acting in this part of Europe.
During the meeting in Oslo on 05-09-2005 it was decided that MEGI will constitute the committee of WFO acting in Central Europe and dealing with scientific, technical and educational problems important for founders working in this region. It is also implementation of the changes of WFO statute, which aim at regionalization of actions, under the auspices of a world organisation. It should increase the efficiency of tasks undertaken in various fields.
The international organisations take actions which are possible only thanks to co-operation and presence of the people from different countries united by a will of acting for the benefit of foundry as a modern technology of producing parts of machines and devices.
After Foundry Journal of the Polish Foundrymen's Association
(Przegląd Odlewnictwa) Dec, 2006